Community Readiness Survey

By scanning the above QR code or clicking the link below you will directed to a brief questionnaire that should take less than 5 minutes.

Community Readiness Survey

Confidentiality Agreement

Columbia Greene Addiction Coalition (CGAC) became a 501c3
(non-profit) organization and subsequently received two significant grants. One from New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) focused on addressing the opioid burden in Greene county and one through the federal Drug Free Communities grant program aimed at preventing youth substance misuse.

An initial component of these grants is to assess the readiness or willingness of stakeholders to address youth substance misuse and the overdose crisis through “Readiness Surveys”. Our ability to assess and therefore understand the community’s view will effectively guide us in implementing evidence based strategies, which are grounded in public health and effectively address the above mentioned priorities.

We are aware that these surveys are yet another to do on the endless list, but your
participation is greatly needed and will help us understand the climate in our communities so that we can address substance use issues from the ground up. It is important to note that we are highly committed to ensuring that all voices who have been impacted by substance use are heard during this process and we welcome any feedback you may have. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us, and you will find our Privacy Policy that we adhere to.  

Thank you for your time and participation in this
crucial initiative.